Q. How do I join the sports and social club?

A. Please complete the application form found under membership on home page and submit to sports and social e mail address.

Q. What is an associate member?

A. An Associate member is a person having active association with the police service or the Sports & Social Club or a full member who has been made redundant. To become an associate member a person will be proposed and seconded by full members of their local club and ratified at Force Management Committee meeting

Q. What does it mean by stating I have joined " The East Norfolk "club?

A.The sports and social club is divided into three local clubs of central, East and West, you can elect which club to join regardless of where you are stationed.    What this effectivly means is that you can take part in any Force clubs and trips as well as those organised specifically by your local club . All disounts are negotiated for any member.

Q What happens if I wish to transfer my membership to another club?

A. Just email the sports and social club

Q. What happens when I am posted to another club area?

A. You stay with the club you initially joined unless you choose to change clubs.

Q. Where can I see the minutes from the committee meetings?

A. These can be viewed on line under the heading further Info and Meetings.

Q. How do I join the lottery?

A. Complete the application form found under further info - Lottery.

Q. I am aware of a discount but it is not on the discounts page what do I do?

A Please email the sports and social club and they will ensure it is entered on the discounts page.

Q. I wish to join one of the sporting sections what do I do ?

A. Plesae contact the sporting secretary or email the sports and social club and you will be put into with the relevant sporting section secretary.

Q.I have a question but it is not covered here?

A. Please email the sports and social club and they will reply to your specific question.


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